Facts and Answers to Agent Selection Criteria

FACT: There is no substitute for proven, aggressive and effective marketing on your home. Effective marketing calls out to the buyers most qualified to buy your home. The right marketing on your home will say the right things, be in the right place at the right time, and compel qualified buyers to pick up the phone to find out more. The process of attracting buyers to your home cannot be left to chance. The exact words used to promote your home are critical. Our advertising is so effective that, at any one time, we are working with a database of over 300 qualified buyers.

FACT: According to Real Estate consultant Bernice Ross, a lower commission does not guarantee you will net more on your home sale. There is a "Big Lie" in real estate. It's the lie that reducing the commission always results in more money for the seller. Nothing could be further from the truth. Virtually all sellers want to obtain the highest price possible for their property. No matter what you are selling, maximum exposure to the marketplace is the critical factor in achieving the highest price possible. Companies and agents who cut services in exchange for taking a lower commission often cost clients much more than the extra one to three percent they save in commission. Depending on price, the cost can be tens of thousands of dollars.

FACT: There's a big difference between just selling your home, and getting your home sold 'right'. There are many things to do to get your home sold for the best possible result. An agent who operates all by themselves really has to hussle to make it all happen the way it should, and it's tough for a 'lone wolf' when s/he's juggling more than one listing. Important details sometimes fall through the cracks. I know this from experience because I used to operate on my own. But just as doctors, lawyers and other professionals hire assistants to handle the small but important details that do not require their expertise, years ago I pioneered this same process in the Real Estate industry and thus have an excellent Team to ensure that you are always our top priority, and that we are never too busy to address your needs.

FACT: Listing a home for an unrealistically high price almost always results in an unrealistically low selling price. The price a home sells for is subject to the law of supply and demand. When a home is priced too high vs comparable homes in the area, prospective buyers won't bother to view it. Why? Because they are able to view homes with similar features that are listed for a lower price. As a result, the home that is listed too high sits on the market for a long time causing prospective buyers to assume there is something wrong with it. In order to get things moving, a price reduction is often required, and in the end, the home can end up selling for much less than it would have if it had been priced correctly in the first place.

To Discuss the Sale of Your Home Call Kimberley Marr, Broker at
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